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Find yourself with ThetaHealing®


Christine Porath

Image by Antonio Grosz

Find yourself..

"When I really started to love myself, I freed myself from everything that wasn't healthy for me, from food, people, things, situations and everything that kept dragging me down, away from myself. In the beginning I called this "healthy selfishness", but today I know that it is "self-love"."

Charlie Chaplin

We are all on a journey, a journey of the soul. On our way we have encounters and experiences that we carry with us like in a backpack. This backpack is filled with beautiful learning gifts that we have accumulated during our trip. But all the misunderstandings and misconceptions that have arisen in the course of our learning experiences are still in our luggage and can weigh and slow us down.

These misconceptions can form layers around our true self, so that sometimes we no longer know who we really are and we unconsciously live according to maxims and beliefs that are not in line with our present existence and our goals.

I am here to help you dissolve these layers and remove the balast from your backpack - so that you too can find yourself and learn to love yourself!

So that you too can unfurl your full strength!


In our essence, we are all part of boundless love and the potent consciousness from which everything that is, is made of.

Your life is in your hands!

ThetaHealing® for every area in your life

ThetaHealing Karriere und Beruf

Career and Vocation

remove blockages that keep you from experiencing abundance and manifest the success that you desire in your life.

ThetaHealing Lebensfreude und Wohlbefinden

Vitality and Wellbeing

Together we track down beliefs that keep you from enjoying life, being energetic and creating the life you desire.

ThetaHealing Beziehungen und Liebe

Relationships and Love

Learn to love and accept yourself in order to be more open for intimite and supportive relationships in your life.

Bevorstehende Veranstaltungen

  • ThetaHealing® Basic DNA - Seminar
    ThetaHealing® Basic DNA - Seminar
    Fri, 07 Feb
    07 Feb 2025, 10:00 – 09 Feb 2025, 17:30
    zoom, 12167 Berlin-Bezirk Steglitz-Zehlendorf, Deutschland
    Learn to use the ThetaHealing® method for yourself and others and enable yourself to remember your true self and innate abilities and use them to create changes in your life.
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