ThetaHealing® Advanced DNA - Foundation Seminar
Investment: 450 €
Do you want to repeat? Then you only pay 50%
You can apply for a (partial) scholarship by email: c.porath@posteo.net
In the ThetaHealing® advanced seminar you can deepen your acquired knowledge and techniques of the ThetaHealing® modality. The seminar will help you to connect even faster and easier with the Creator's energy and perspective.
We will continue to practice the belief and feeling work so that you become even more confident and at the same time experience powerful changes in your beliefs and feelings that will change your life.
The seminar will give you a deeper understanding of the 7 planes of existence and in a variety of practical exercises you will learn to connect and communicate with these planes. In addition, you will learn to connect with your higher self and your ancestors and to communicate with them, to remember your future and to be an even more powerful creator of your own reality. You will learn how you can easily witness positive changes for your soul and emotional healing for your heart and for you as a baby in the womb, which will help you to radiate even more in strength and beauty.
What you learn and take with you:
you will receive hundreds of emotion downloads that will support you in your development and healing
you will learn how to work with old anger, resentment or regret and how to dissolve them very easily
you will gain deeper insights and a better understanding of the seven planes of existence and how you relate to them
you will learn to connect with the beings of the first four planes of existence and to communicate with them and
how you dissolve subconscious blockages and beliefs that prevent you from communicating with the highest plane of existence and witnessing changes with unconditional love
you will be enabled to release old vows, oaths or commitments that are preventing you from moving forward in your life
you will connect with your higher self and learn how to communicate and work together with it
how you witness healing for yourself as a baby in the womb, the broken heart and the soul
you will learn how to connect with and communicate with deceased ancestors
and how to energetically clear rooms and objects and charge them with positive energies
and much more...
The ThetaHealing® Basic DNA Seminar is the second seminar that certifies you as a ThetaHealing® Practitioner. The Basic DNA and Advanced DNA are the two main seminars that offer you the most important tools for getting started as a ThetaHealer.
You will receive a certificate from Vianna Stibal's THInK-Institute of Knowledge®. It entitles you to use this technique commercially.
The seminar includes: ThetaHealing® Book and ThetaHealing® Manual.