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Find your Dream Home, NOW!

Manifest the home you've always been looking for. No matter where you live!

Have you been looking for a flat or house for you and your partner for months on end?

Do you want or need to move city or finally want to have your own place but you didn't have any success yet?

Then this online course might be the right thing for you!

Applying the Law of Attraction on house hunting.

"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve." W Clement Stone


WEEK 1: What is the Law of Attraction and how does it work.
                Creating a crystal clear vision of what you want.

WEEK 2: How to utilize the Law by using visualization and affirmations

WEEK 3: How to become a vibrational match to your vision by aligning your emotions, thoughts

                and actions.

WEEK 4: Staying aligned. Dealing with and overcoming fears, doubts and limiting beliefs.

Each session will be recorded for you to review as often as you want.


Private WhatsApp Group to ask questions and get additional support and connect to fellow participants.

Next start: March. Fridays 9-10pm CET, in English

Investment: 69 €

BONUS: You can use the techniques you learn in this course to manifest everything else you desire in your life!

Watch this video to see how I manifested my flat in Berlin by applying the principles and tools I teach in the online course.

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